Sankalp Global Summit 2019- Volunteer Application Form

The Sankalp Volunteer Program is Now Open!

Be a part of an exciting and diverse group of individuals at the Sankalp Global Summit 2019 in Mumbai, India from December. 

Sankalp Forum was initiated in India in 2009 by Intellecap, part of the Aavishkaar-Intellecap Group, to create a thriving ecosystem for business-led inclusive development. Over the past 9 years, Sankalp has built one of the world's largest impact enterprise focused platforms that has showcased and discovered 1500+ entrepreneurs, through 15+ editions and have connected them to over 300+ investors. Sankalp has enabled enterprises and entrepreneurs and have helped raise over USD 220 million in funding.

For Sankalp Volunteering we are looking for proactive & dynamic professionals with relevant experience in Event management/ Volunteering and a practical hands-on approach towards obtaining high quality results. The individual must have sharp interpersonal skills and should be able think creatively under stress.

First Name *

Last Name *

Email address *

Age *

Gender *

Mobile Number *

Address *

City of residence *

Occupation *

Designation (Optional)

Highest Qualification *

Number of years of work experience (if any)

If you are a working professional please mention your recent work experience

Name of the organization

Do you have any past experience in volunteering/ event management? *

In case you volunteered or organized a conference previously, what was your exact role at the conference?

Name of the school/ college *

Event Name & Year of Participation (Optional)

Why apply to become a volunteer at the Summit? *

What is your take on social entrepreneurship? (In 100 words) *

What do you expect to learn from the Summit as a Volunteer? State 3 reasons as to why should you be selected. *

How many days of volunteering can you commit? *

What role will you be interested as a part your volunteering? (Please do not choose more than 2 options) *

I declare that: (In this section you are required to declare your commitment along with a cash deposit to secure a place for the volunteering program at the Summit.) *